This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Lifetime of Special People

I'm the world's worst when it comes to Birthdays.  My own being top of the list.  I usually don't remember it's someone's Birthday until the day of and by that time it's usually too late to run out and get a card or whip up a nice batch of cookies for them.   So, I thought I'd start off 2010 by dedicating a post to the most influential people in my life whether they be a family member or friend.

To keep from having to list them in order of importance (which would be impossible) I'm going to post these dedications on their Birthday.   Hopefully this will make up for years of Birthday neglect.  We'll see if I'm forgiven... ;o)

I believe that a great deal of a person's character is shaped by those around them.   If I'm a good person at all it's because I've been surrounded by good people that have shown me the way throughout my life.

Okay so here goes...and can you believe I'm already off to a late start?!?!...

First Birthday in 2010 belongs to ... let's call him "D"

Mr. D's Birthday was on January 11.


I've known D ALL my life.   He's the same age as me, our families went to the same church, he lived on the other side of our loop (which we call the block) and of course we were in the same grade at school.  As far back as I can remember D was there.


D is the only childhood friend I have that I still talk to on a regular basis.  You always hear people say "_____ is like a brother to me."  And that's exactly what you would hear me say about D.  Our family life was so similar that we were always able to commiserate with each other when it came to friends, parents and etc.  Basically life in general.  We also have so many of the same idiosyncrasies that's it's uncanny.  This has always led me to joke that maybe we were twins separated at birth.  Especially since he looks more like me than my own brother.  If ever there was a boy version of Tero, it would be him.  Albeit a more congenial, likable and funnier version, I promise.


This guy... where to start?  An attorney I worked for summed me up as what he called "good folk." That is a perfect way to describe D, he's just good folk.  The kind of friend you feel blessed to have grown up around.  And his good folkness is contagious.

Growing up in our small community was wonderful. You couldn't get any more Mayberry than Mt. Olive unless you lived in... well...Mayberry.  ;o)  But even in Mayberry the social life of an adolescent can be tough.  Everyone strives to be popular or liked by their peers but there's always some kid that is picked on.  Picked on for being horrible at sports or because they ate their boogers - who knows - but there's always a kid that is highly unpopular that no one wants to be caught dead hanging out with.  To do so would be social suicide and carried the possibility of being made outcast ourselves.  We all felt the urge to go out on a limb and be nice and include the "unforgiven," nevertheless, we all lacked the courage.  Except for D that is.

Numerous times I caught D doing the unthinkable and talking to the "booger muncher" in an effort to include them and make them feel less isolated (I'm sure he won't ever remember doing that, but he did.  I remember many of times over the years)  I have never witnessed such humility or graciousness in someone so young (other than my own brother or D's own brother).  He is so honest and down to earth that he can put anyone at ease and put a smile on their face.  If he can't relate with them, he'll do something funny and make them laugh - so hard you can't breath.  And that's exactly why people love him so much! 

Here's my favorite thing about D:  A little weirdo myself, I lack good communication skills and am too often a difficult person to understand when trying to get a point across.  Because my communication skills are so bad when talking to most people 1 or 2 things usually happen. 1)  I'm too short or vague and it offends people when that's certainly the last thing I want to do; or 2)  I over explain and confuse them more (which can be extremely exhausting).  Knowing someone who just gets what I'm saying right off the bat is PRICELESS!  Aside from my real brother, Brian, D is one of those few who knows what I'm saying after just one sentence.

I'm sure you are wondering how does a girl find such a close friend in a guy.  Well, if you knew that my neighborhood back in the day consisted of ONLY boys for years as was the same situation in our age group at church, then you'd understand my options were limited.  No offense intended guys...  It's a double edged sword growing up so close to the "enemy"  ha ha.  You get to opportunity to be much more adventurous than you would with a group of girls (I mean how many outfits does Barbie really need??)   but the emotional difference between boys and girls is HUGE and no matter how much time you spend with them their inability to recognize important details of ANY situation is still baffling!

However, since I did grow up with such a great group of guys (Brian, Scott, D, Marty and the other Scott, Mark, Josh, Jeff, Tim... you get the point, there were no girls!... who were all sort of like bros to me in a small way)  made it a lot easier to understand the guys point of view which is a tremendous help to Clint since he doesn't have to explain why scheduling our life around football season or fishing tournaments is absolutely necessary, why me asking him which shoes go with an outfit or even being present in a dress room at all while shopping isn't such a good idea.  Clint is thankful to you all! ha ha.

And I'm sure you're wondering where does a friendship with a guy have a place in adult life.  Well, with my husband too of course.  If Clint didn't like D as much as I did, we wouldn't get to talk to each other at all.

Though Clint had never met Daniel until Clint and I started dating, in the craziest way I really have D to thank for myself meeting Clint.

One year D decided to invite some of his brother's friends to take the trip to G-burg with our church which he had always skipped years prior.  Through one of those friends he invited, Nik, I became acquainted with people I'm confident I would have never met had he not invited Nik (to whom D really didn't know very well).   I later met Clint because he was from the same neighborhood and shared the same friends as Nik.  And the rest is history.  Thanks Dan!  I owe you... ;o)

So, Happy BELATED Birthday D!  I hope it was wonderful.  10 out 10 people would agree you are absolutely priceless!!

D'son, No need to thank me for all this unexpected flattery.  The only people that are willing to read my long winded enthusiastically typed blogs are family and total strangers.  I'll be surprised if you yourself make it through the whole post.  ;o)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A great post for a unique and kind individual. "Good Folk" indeed.

We never were in short supply of good times when he was around.

D is one of those people that could be, and I imagine still can be, extremely mischievous. Yet when found out by authority figures that "good folk" quality would always get him out of trouble. Lucky for us, he was gracious enough to spread his "good folk" cloak around a few others from time to time so we too were spared the gallows.

So here's to D, for countless laughs, and for hanging with me even though I am no good at sports and ocasionally eat boogers.