This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Like Father Like Son? or is it really Like Mother Like Son?

When Auburn kicked off this year Clint and I finally got a glimpse of the future that we'd (well Clint really) dreamed of.  Dax being his father's son - watching the game side by side with their Auburn shirts or jerseys on.  Jumping up and down with excitement over a good play.  You know how it made Clint feel.  It was special to me too just because I know that's the beginning of a special bond between them.  That Like Father Like Son feeling...

So, it's September and Auburn is playing Mississippi State and I was enjoying watching both of them jump up and down yelling GO BABY GO!  TOUCHDOWN AUBURN!  Dax had already been fond of his AU Jersey, his stuffed Aubie, his AU helmet and football, but now he was "beginning" to understand what all of it was for. It was a great day.

Fast forward to the present, October, by now, Auburn's lack luster season is getting annoying.  The cheese dip doesn't taste as good and Dax is starting to act more like his mom when it comes to Football.  Let me explain:

I love Auburn football.  I've always been an Auburn fan along with my brother with parents who are Alabama fans (long story).  I'm not the live for football, know all the stats and every player and position type and etc, but I had ALWAYS watched or listened to all the games, know the history pretty well, and get that euphoric feeling while visiting the campus, Toomer's Corner or attending home games.  You'd think that Clint and I would be a match made in football heaven wouldn't you?  Uh, wrong.  After spending 12-13 football seasons with Clint I'm much less of a fan and enjoy the games less than I did before.  
"But how could that be?  Is it because he's one of those obnoxious rival fans?"- you ask.
Absolutely not, we're a lot alike when it comes to that sort of thing.  He doesn't give a hoot about the rivalry and aside from lighthearted jokes here and there he doesn't banter w/ Tide fans.  He just has a love for football.   

"Well, then what's your problem?"
Lots of little things I guess, like for 1, I can get very nervous/serious and on the edge of my seat while watching the game with my heart racing when things go bad so I stay very quite except for touchdown time (of course!).  While Clint, on the other hand - the whole game-, paces, claps his hands constantly (he's got some big hands and they make a really loud ear piercing clap) never is quite, he's either in constant TV pep talk or hollering angrily at the players, coaches, commentators, man cheerleaders - when things aren't so well.  Watching the game with him/listening to all this makes me a nervous wreck.  So, since we've married if we're watching the games at home, I have to do this little dance of watching in a separate room while at times walking back and forth between the rooms at Clint's calmer moments - if there are any. A lot of times I have to shut the door and even that doesn't help.  I'm not dissing Clint, I'm really dissing myself.  I'm just not the GUNG HO fan that most SEC fans are.

Then, of course, there is this need to watch every game on TV, listen to Paul Finbaum (sp) ever second we're in the car and hogging the computer visiting, rivals or any other site that is in the know about stats, recruits, team news and etc.  But the worst is planning our life around a game. i.e. 
Me: "Clint, guess what Mom and Dad have offered to take us on a all expense paid trip to Brazil!!"  Clint:  "No way, do you know how many games will miss and I seriously doubt they pick up the games in Brazil."  
Or another example:  
Me:  "So we're finally getting married, YAY, I was thinking of a Fall wedding, what do you think?"  Clint:  "Only if we get married Mon-Fri. or on a Sunday.  Don't forget Fall is football season..."

Okay, I'm exaggerating a little about the Brazil trip - a little but the "Can't get married on a Saturday in Fall" is totally true!  So, it's kind of taken the fun out of football season for me.  I still find myself giddy at times, but it's definitely become a "I can totally live without it" feeling.

So, there we were last Saturday watching Auburn get beat by LSU.  Dax was constantly running to me wanting to do something else because he wasn't just bored out of his mind, he was a bit upset.  Why wouldn't he be.  Clint was upset at the game and was vocalizing this at the TV.  Unknowingly he was in danger of breaking the father son football bond without realizing it.  Once I brought it to his attention, he stopped of course and made more of an effort to "act" happy.

I know, I know, Dax is only 3 and he's got so much more growing and learning to do when it comes to appreciating football but if he's personality is anything like mine, which sad to say he already shows many signs that it is, all it's going to take is a couple of bad memories and he's done.  Let's just hope it's w/ football and not with Auburn.  I mean, there's always baseball and soccer.  Though it really wouldn't bother me much if football didn't interest Dax it would, however, bother me if he becomes an Alabama fan. ha ha  Just kidding, of course.  But that would break Clint completely.  Seriously.  And I'd have to repaint his room too. That would be tragic. If you've seen his room, you'd agree.  But, if he did go BAMA it might serve Clint right for being so fanatical.

Until then, we'll just have to cross our fingers for more weekends like this one:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Here is the picture to go with my Facebook status update a while ago.  So you could see just how funny it really is.  Check out that shirt his Aunt Sheila gave him.  Aunt Sheila, he loves that shirt even though he can't appreciate the humor in it.- YET.

Facebook 9/8:  My son has a new lovey-a small food scale. He thinks it's WALL-E. I can't believe he fell asleep holding a 5x3.5" plastic square that measures chicken by the oz. We may be weird but atleast we're not dull... :o)

Mouse Powell

FINALLY after approximately a year of eluding capture of every mouse trap known to man or rodents, alike, (not to mention rat poison) I finally caught the tiny terror.  Thanks to my two cats along with my own cat like reflexes this little feral dude is on his way to being domesticated.

I'm sure you're thinking,
"did I just read domesticated?  Wait, doesn't she mean executed?"  
Nope, you read right. After all this time of outsmarting man and his deadly contraptions.  It just doesn't seem right to kill him.  I kind of have respect for my bug eyed nemeses that I've tried to get rid of for so long.  Dax took a peek and said 
 "Awe, he's a cute little mousey!  Hey little fella - hey cute mousy - wanna play?"  
That just about did it...definitely helped sway my decision towards mercy for mousey.

This mouse has been around so long it's almost as if he's apart of the family.  Like a disturbed sibling that wreaks habit but you are so use to him being part of a weekly (if not daily) ritual of trying to catch him.  I think he's earned the family name.

When I asked D to name him, he looked at him and hollered
After all, I admit, I'm not grossed out by mice (*Rats- now that's DEFINITELY a different story) but ever since I was a kid I thought they were cute.  Sure, they are disease ridden and leave tiny droppings which disgusts me to no end especially because I use Clorox to clean up where they've left tiny droppings and I hate the smell of Clorox.  You know if you caught me in the middle of cleaning up where they've been and you were to ask me what I think about mice, I'd absolutely be singing a different tune.  I'd want to recommend mouse genocide.  But, put that same mouse in a little small house with a tiny litter box and wallah, you've got a fun funky little pet that will run up and down your arms.  How do I know this?  How do you think?
I would like you to meet Mr. Ben "the Mousey" Powell - formerly known as Pest!

Pet Mouse... Seem strange? Yeah it is. But at least we're not this bad off. I would never write a song or a movie about a mouse. But I do sing the song to him. "Ben, your always running here and there, you feel you're not wanted - anywhere.... ;o)

FYI:  Have your own mouse problem?  Don't call Pest Control or what most people refer to as the Bug Man.  Most don't do that type of pests.  Or at least our Pest Control doesn't.  We use A-1 and I absolutely adore them.  Especially the reminder calls from his wife (who in 20 years not once altered her tone or script when leaving the message).  However, they won't whack a mouse for you, so you'll need to seek out a special pest control for that.

Sadly to say that "Ben" didn't live but a little over a week in captivity.  I don't think that's why he died b/c as soon as he got his own little house he seemed as happy as could be.  I think the kitties had probably hurt him before I got to him.  I'm not even joking when I say we miss him.  Dax and I had fun letting him swim in the bathtub everyday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

That Old Sad Song

I'm of course dancing the same jig and singing the same old song that I never have enough time to do the things on the computer that I wish I could. In a perfect world I could put the world on pause while I
  • Uploaded all our pictures along with our weekly story because as any mother knows life with a 2 1/2 year old is an adventure everyday.
  • Catch up on all my friends' blogs
  • Catch up on all my friends' updates on Facebook
  • Google every little question that pops through my nerdtastic brain so I can honestly say "I'm all pointless info knowing"
However, my computer time has once again shrunken to a minute above nonexistent thanks to life drama, attempts to exercise off 30 lbs of extra "M&M's are the devil" weight, teaching chasing Dax, yard work and etc.  I'm sure it will be back on again sometime in the future.  May not be until Dax graduates from elementary, but I remain optimistic yet. 

A Little Peep

All the while Dax is growing and changing fast.  Right now the quickest way to sum up D is he talks as well as most 4-5 year olds (like I've said before, as much as I talk, there are no surprises there) I constantly have to remind my Godson, Isaac, along with his other big kid friends, that Dax is only 2. 

Curls curls curls!  He's often mistaken for a girl.  The other night Clint put one of my headbands on Dax and I about fell out.  He did look like a girl.  Not only did he look like a girl, but a beautiful angelic looking little girl.  Not sure how to feel about that.  Mixed feelings for sure.  But no worries, he's definitely ALL boy.  Cars, trucks, tractors, boats and more cars are his favorite things.  He's the pickiest eater on the planet!  So Mama is having to get tricky to get him to eat healthy.  Hopefully that will suffice for the family reading that wants to know what's going on in D's world.  I'll add pics to go with the news in later posts that will hopefully be up sooner than later. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Road Kill Educational Program At Bham Zoo? You Betcha!

Dax and I got a chance to go to the Zoo with Isaiah's class on their field trip. For D, going to the Zoo is fun, but going with older kids is down right "big boy" fun. Other than getting hit with a huge migraine half way through the trip, I had some "grown-up" fun myself. And by grown up fun I don't mean throwing back a few Budweisers while pushing a stroller around. I mean getting my authority on by seeing who could yell the loudest at a couple of unruly kids or counting how many times I got to tell them "no" in 5 mins or making fun of the other shady weirdo chaperon mom that was in our group (okay, I'm totally kidding of course... about the making fun part...). Between the shady chaperon mom, the exhilarating educational program and wanting to tangle with a 7 year old it really was quite the day.

Last Thursday was cold and overcast but a great time at the zoo. Good thing we didn't need the sun to have fun. Which did come out as bright as ever AS soon as we got home. Quick! how many as's in that sentence - without looking?

I love the zoo, but really hate that I do have to add it to the list of migraine triggers. I think the smell coupled with looking left to right constantly, totally did it. Thinking back, I got a migraine the last 2 trips to the zoo. Bummer.

The kids we had in our group were a lot of fun. They were so sweet to Dax and really looked out for him. Good apples in my book. We had 2 other chaperon moms besides me and Leandra and one Grandmother. The other 2 moms were nice. Well, one of them was anyways even though neither of them seemed to have cared that the kids would run off and totally disappear from sight. Maybe I'm just knew to this chaperon thing, but isn't that the point? To make sure the kids in your group don't get lost or kidnapped by some pedophile. I don't know, maybe me and Leandra take the job of parents entrusting their children to us a little too serious?!?! Well, even if I am, I don't plan on changing.  I'm sure Le doesn't either.

For fun, I have to tell you about the educational program that 3 old ladies from the zoo put on for the kids. You'd expect them to pick some exotic animals to pull out, show off and tell us about them. Right?   Uh, no. If I'd have been editing the agenda pamplets to hand out, I would have entitled this "educational" program - Name That Road-Kill.  The animals they did pick to show to the kids were a possum, a lizard (geico [sp] to be exact), and a screech owl.  Oh, they did show a boa constrictor, but it was the length of my arm.  I couldn't help but laugh out loud when the old lady said: "Now, when I bring this BIG boy out, nobody scream..."  Pa-leez lady.  I know these kids are young but that's no reason to patronize them.  ha ha.

For a total WTHay momentWhile the kids were playing on the zoo playground where they had a fake rock formation with a tunnel.  A 6-7 year old kid came running out of the tunnel.  Dax just happened to be standing there, minding his own business and this kid looks over at him and then pushes him (for no reason) so hard he sends D flying.  Landing only an inch or two away from the fence.  If ever I wanted to hurt a child, this was it.  Did I cause a scene.  No, I scolded the kid to never push anyone - and that D is just a baby but that's just about it.  I know I know.  Mom to the rescue?  total failure.  If I was a quick thinker, I'd have discreetly reached under the kids arm, grabbed a pinch of the fat piece and twisted it until the kid came off the ground.   Hear comes my Dr. Eveeel  laugh...

So, all in all it really was a wonderful trip, that I will take again.  Migraine or no.  Spending time with Leandra and the kids is always a blast and seeing Dax laugh and run and know he had a wonderful time is totally worth suffering a migraine.  I'll just bring a bucket of Maxalt with me and maybe a few other provisions to keep me better laid back and chill.  That way if I encounter the bully kid from Hades again, I won't go to jail.

Ian and Dax

Poor Dax, one day he'll be tall enough

The Lion's loose!!!!

This would be right b/f it devoured my child.  I can't help but think of Alfred Hitchcock's movie when seeing this picture.  You know which one.

Among her many talents

My 2nd Godson, Isaiah

Riding the train is some serious business

So is being in the cage with a wild bird

Oh, to be a kid...

Pass me the Bongos, Daddy-o

Me & D

Rocky Mountain High

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Obvious Next Burning Question Is

For 6-7 years Clint and I endured the question "So when are y'all going to tie the knot?" (and every imaginable variation).  Finally, after marrying we graduated to the question of "when do you guys plan on having a baby?"  Then Dax arrived and that of course, lead to the obvious next question of "Do you plan on having more?" or from those who know me well enough to ask "When are you going to have more?"

I have to admit, when it came to the marriage question I used to get highly annoyed. In my defense, being a total product of my generation, I often felt "why?  Why do these people keep hounding me - why do they think for me to have a happy and meaningful life I must settle down and have children."   The notion that my life was on stand still until I did so really aggravated me. But, in their defense, after 6 years of dating the same guy, why not go ahead and get married? ha ha.  It's not like I was against it, even though I did joke about it from time to time.

Either way, I never handled that question well.  Some of those people's comments could be really rude and intrusive. In the end when asked I'd say, "we don't believe in marriage."  Or if you got me on a bad day, my answer was much worse: "we plan on living out the rest of our lives in sin!" I know, I know. Totally ridiculous and I severely needed an attitude adjustment over the whole ordeal. Don't worry, I got it.  I always get what's coming to me.

After we got hitched it was time for a new repetitive question which is "when do you plan on having a baby" My attitude towards this question was much different.  After years of extremely painful cycles like SEVERE cluster migraines, debilitating cramps, 5 lbs water weight gain (sometimes more) for a week, ankle pain and lethargy.  I was aware that I could have problems with getting pregnant.  I had never done the procedures to make sure or prove this, but most of the females on one side of the family had to have hystorectomies within one or two years of the age I was at that time.   With my problems, I was sure that I would be just like them. So when Clint and I got ready, I went straight to the Doc to make sure those worries weren't valid.  Due to a small thyroid problem and the need to see an Endocrinologist it was a total of 6 months before I was even allowed to see if those problems existed much less get pregnant.

You'd think I would have dreaded the baby question. On the contrary. I'd would talk to anybody that would listen. I think I needed that. I needed to hear their thoughts and I definitely needed their prayers because I was one basket case. I woke up obsessed and concerned with fear over not being able to get pregnant - I went to bed obsessed with the same. It was not a fun time in my life.  Finally I had an HSG and found out that everything was in perfect working order.  It was such a relief.  That left me with only one problem to overcome.  Easy fix with Clomid (fertility drug) and 3 months later we were over the moon with a Big Fat Positive pee stick. 

So that leaves us with a new question to be brought up in small talk and asked by everyone and their mother.  "Do you want more? When do you plan on having more?  With this question I'm so much more laid back. I never mind being asked. I know people are curious, and so am I when it comes to other people and myself. Admit it, it's a fun question to ask.

The only problem is, that though some of us know how to answer, it's not the answer people are expecting but really should. So, if you are one of those that have been wondering (like so many here lately).  I thought I'd go ahead and formally answer this one here and now.  Plus, my short answer can being confusing and probably quite awkward for the person asking. I don't know why, it's not at all awkward for me. I think they feel they should pity me or something, but they really shouldn't.

drum roll please....

The answer... to the burning question...will Clint and Teri give it another go?

ANSWER:  I DON'T KNOW. The truth is, is that Clint and I want another child - we'd take as many as we're blessed with. However, there is only one person that knows the answer and so far he's not telling. ;o)

Over a year ago, I went on Clomid for 3 months.  Things weren't so easy that time around.  The serious Clomid side effects were so bad that I wasn't in the mood to do anything.  I didn't even put up my Christmas tree from the lethargy.  The mood swings were so bad that I couldn't even stand to sit in the room with myself.  So I stopped the Clomid and decided that if we are to have another, it's going to be without the help of fertility drugs. Which did happen one time, but sadly ended in a miscarriage.

Now that's where the pity from other folks might come in.  To them it seems as if we are trying but are unsuccessful and are sad about it.  What they don't understand is that Clint and I have made peace with the possibility of not having another.

We'd feel wrong and selfish for getting bummed out if we're not able to have another one. God gave us Dax and he is more than we could have imagined so, that being said we are truly - TRULY blessed. If God sees fit to bless us again, we will be ecstatic.  We don't expect it, but we wouldn't be surprised either. Who are we to know what his plan is for us.

That's what's most important. His plan. I trust that he knows what's best for our lives in serving his purpose and knowing that, gives me all the peace in the world.

I do have to say, most graciously, THANK YOU for all of those who are sharing your stories and pictures on Facebook and Blogger. It seems as if every time I log on, someone else is pregnant. I have a sister-in-law and two cousins who are also prego. You'd think I'd be kinda of jealous - jealous may not be the right word, maybe sad.  Totally happy for their blessing but sad because it's a reminder. Surprisingly I'm not. I'm having so much fun going through this wonderful time in all your lives that it's as if I'm living vicariously through you for a couple of minutes a day. It's good medicine for the babyitis.  They are so sweet.

Only I don't have the sleep depravity, crazy hormones that takes a year to go back to normal and all the other fun stuff that comes along postpartum. ;o) It brightens my day. There are so many new babies to go nuts over. And of course IF in a couple of years we never do get our 2nd - there's always adoption. There is a calling for adoptive parents, and right now I don't feel that calling myself. But as we all know, time changes everything.

There may be a time where we want to go all out and give fertility a try, a decent try this time but right now we just aren't there.  So for now, we don't try but we don't prevent. 

I would ask you to keep us in your prayers, but I'd rather you pray for those who have no children and are going through infertility.  It is a really REALLY painful thing to deal with.  Just the scare of it for 6 months was enough for me.  There are those who have been trying for years.  Infertility seems rampant this day in age, and though there are amazing doctors and procedures to overcome it, it's still not 100% guarantee.  Invitro doesn't always work.   Most people who haven't gone through infertility really aren't able to sympathize.  Often they think, "why don't they just adopt."  But like I said, adoption isn't for everyone.  Plus there is something about not being able to have your own child that makes most women feel like... well... not a woman.  So again, keep them in your prayers.

For now we have a fast growing little man that does more than enough to fill my time and keep us occupied. I can't believe he was once so small. I also can't believe he's 2 and a half with 3 just around the corner  It is coming too fast. 

I kind of went crazy with the picture adding to this post, but I couldn't help it.  Where did the time go!!??

From Dax Delivery in St.V
From Dax
From Dax
From Dax
From Standing and Stranded
From 1 - 9 Days of Christmas
From 1 - 9 Days of Christmas
From Autumn 2009
From Winter 2009
From Winter 2009
From Spring 2010
From Spring 2010
From Summer 2010
From Summer 2010
From Summer 2010
From Summer 2010
From Winter 2010
 February's Run Down Post is coming, just got to add pictures.  It used to not take so long, but these days with D's help, it takes much much longer .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do you Google?

Bing?  Yahoo?
I'm totally not making this stuff up to be funny.  However, I do find it humorous after the fact.  The other day I started to Google something in my search engine.  As soon as I put the first letter, a whole list of previous searches starting with that letter popped up.  As I went down the list I couldn't believe that I actually Googled that.  From A-Z here are some of my previous searches.

1.  Addicting games  Not funny, but what in the world??

2.  Cutting the Cheese (this has to be one of Clint's...)  This is some of the results: Redeye Cut the Cheese Rally or Play Free Games - The Art of Cutting the Cheese

3.  Do Mice have memory (easily could have been one of Mine, but I think this was Clint's)  As always, the ever dependable Wikipedia gave this: Hippocampus

4.  Do woodchucks really exist  Well, do they?  Don't you just LOVE Wikipedia!?!  Woodchucks/Groundhogs

5.  Do Woodchucks chuck wood  Am I the only one that is completely bothered by the GEICO car insurance commercial??  It aggravates me every time it airs.  Why?  Because Woodchucks don't chuck wood.  Or so says the tongue twister:
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could
IF a woodchuck could chuck wood!"
Of course I had to make sure: And the answer is...  If you have time to read this and actually want and do read this (in its entirety), then you are more of a psycho than I am.

6.  Emeril Meatloaf Recipe:  Which is FYI: Emeril's Most Kicked Up Meatloaf Ever Recipe

7.  Is DJ Lance Gay - If you have a kid 5 or younger, you know who DJ Lance is, and admit it.  You know you've wondered this yourself...  DJ Lance Rock Dance

8.  What are the lyrics to Yo Gabba Gabba  It's very probable that I'm deaf in one ear due to loud music.  So I'm often singing the wrong lyrics to songs because I didn't hear them correctly.  After hearing this song over and eventually trying to sing it back out loud - I thought to myself.  "Surely that's not what they are singing.  I kid you not - this is what I heard when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on:
"Muno - He's so unfriendly,"
"Foofa - she's stinkin happy,"
Brobee, the little mean one...

So, I finally had to look it up.  Yo Gabba Gabba Lyrics Just like I've done with many a song.  Thank goodness for internet.  Without it I would have continued wondering why that guy on the radio (when I was a kid) kept singing "You're only Bologna (Ba-lon-ee)."  In comes the internet ~ many years later ~ and I finally get the answer to that vexing question - I now know he wasn't singing "you're only balonee", he was singing  You're Only Lonely - J.D. Souther

9.  What is the best glue for bonding human hair to a pumpkin  I'm totally not making this up!!  In case you're wondering why I was searching for this - well, I'm just going to leave you with what ever you imagination will come up with.  I will share what the internet provided:  Bond A Weave Liquid Gold Adhesive  Welp, if it's good enough for a weave...

10.  This one is out of order, but considering recent media events, it was a good one to leave off on...
Was Toomer's Corner rolled the day Bear Bryant Passed Away  I did put this question in various forms. Did Auburn fans roll Toomer's Corner in celebration of Paul Bear Bryant Passing... Any way you could pose this question, I typed it in.  By far, this was the most informative link I could find - on the internet.  I didn't want to know bad enough to go get in the car and drive down to Birmingham Public Library to find out for Absolute Sure.  However, this guy did - well, not to BPL, but the closest one to him...Did Auburn Students Celebrate Bear Bryant's Death By Rolling Toomer's Corner?

(Did anyone else noticing that guy is wearing a skirt - pleated no less...)

These weren't by far the most interesting but then again some things just aren't meant to be shared...  ;o)

So, What's in your Google?? Search Engine, that is...

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Ask and You Shall Receive

    Dax is the lightest sleeper on the face of the earth, besides me of course. Snap your fingers, and he's wide awake. I know all of you with Toddlers know about the 5 minute nap. They fall asleep in the car on the way home for 5 minutes and think they've had their nap for the day. You always try to get them from the car to the bed and tucked in without waking them up. Doing so is one tall order. Winter makes this twice as hard since you have a coat, hat and etc. to pull off without waking your sleeping angel. Oh and heaven forbid they need a diaper change.

    Which was the case with Dax this day because he'd finished off an entire fruit shoot in the car. Nonetheless, this was the challenge I was presented with a couple of days ago. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor. I'm also starting to get the impression that he listens to our subconscious pleas. Remember my last post... Here lately, I constantly, "subconsciously and consciously" whine about not being able to get one waking minute to myself, though I've never prayed about it. ;o)  This day, it was as if God was saying "Okay I get it, my seemingly ungrateful and whiney child, Here's a chance for you to have that minute to yourself but first you must complete your challenge. Manage to get Dax undressed and diaper changed without waking him and you get 1-2 hours to catch up on chores. (Usually Dax has to have me ly down with him to take a nap - me lying down for 10 minutes puts me out like a light so I end up napping with him.  Him napping without me is a rare occasion, esp. lately)

    I figured it was a long shot but with 1-2 hours of free time at stake, you know I had to try... Game On!

    The Challenge: Getting Dax tucked into proper nap position so he doesn't awaken too soon uncomfortable and freaked out.

    The Dilemma:  He needs a diaper change AND there are no sheets on the bed due to wash day.

    Play Call:  Forget trying to put sheets on the bed before nap, that's just too impossible but diaper must be changed otherwise mattress will get ruined since mattress cover is also in the wash.

    Round 1:  Shoes, Socks and Pants.

    Round 2:  Unbelievable, Diaper changed!!

    Round 3:  Toboggan off! Whew that was a close one, but will she be able to swing the coat?

    Round 4: One arm out.

    Round 5: Both arms out! All that's left now is sliding his rain coat out from under him.

    She did it!  She did it!  By Golly, she did it!! 

    Can you believe that I didn't even have sheets on D's bed either.  Not that it matters, he never uses it.  I don't know why I still wash them with the other linens, he doesn't even use his bed for naps. The other day I almost thought about taking the bed completely down, but somehow I'd feel guilty by doing that. However, it definitely needs to go back into his room, but taking it completely down is the same as saying we're not even going to try to break the co-sleeping habit at all.  What do you think?