This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Got Beta Carotene?

I started to notice that Dax's nose had a yellow or orange tint to it in photos.  He's always had such a pretty complexion, but here lately his nose looks orange.  So, of course, I went straight to the computer and Googled it.  Lots of info came up all pointing to the same thing.  Too much beta carotene.

That makes perfect sense.  Dax refuses to touch greens and his favorite vegetables are (in this order) sweet potatoes, carrots and squash and he has them everyday.  When I first started feeding him solids, he loved green beans and peas.  Not anymore.  Well, he'll still eat the pureed peas and green beans.  But when it comes to trying to feed it to him in it's original form he politely spits it back out.  Or shakes his head and sweetly says "nah nah nah."  Like he's saying "thanks, but no thanks."

By the way let me express the one and only thing Dax has given me a hard time about so far.  Eating!!  Dax is still on pureed food (some I buy - lunch, the rest I just blend up myself), aside from eggs and berries and the rare occasional dish [pizza].   He'll eat any kind of bread in it's usual form; crackers and what not.  But, that's about it except for berries.  It worries me and frustrates me.  The frustration is obvious.  The worry part: I'm afraid of him losing weight if go through the process of how the experts say to correct consistency or refusal of food problem (if they don't eat it, don't feed them anything else or etc.).  I'm having a hard time executing that.

Anyone went through this same thing?  If so, I'd love some tips.  I've heard of food therapy for consistency problems but don't know where to start with that.

My mom says it's payback.  She said I was extremely finicky right up into my teens.

In the meantime I don't know why we spent money on pumpkins for decorations... we could've just dressed Dax in an orange jumpsuit and sat him on a bail of hay because at the moment he's living up to his nic name of pumpkin head.   ;o)

At least it's not this dramatic anymore...

The Orange nose

From Autumn 2009

From Autumn 2009
By the way, I'd like to acknowledge the man in the picture (My Uncle Alan; my mom's brother) as the man who single handedly brainwashed my brother and I, who came from an immediate family of UA fans, into becoming AU fans.  And we are so glad he did!!!!  ha ha.  This is a man who was fanatical about AU as Clint maybe more so.  He's wonderful. 

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