This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Lifetime of Special People

March 2 was my wonderful sister-in-law, Emma Brown's birthday.

Emma Brown is the oldest of 10 kids that were the 3rd generation of her family to live in Brazil.

She knows how to work with wood and made all the wooden pews in the Davises' family church in Brazil.  
For a short time she lived in the states and graduated from Samford with a nursing degree before meeting and marrying my brother in August of 2000.

Thereafter they lived in Anniston for a short time before leaving the U.S,  to live on their farm (Fazenda De Gratidau) in Brazil.  Where they stayed for almost a decade

 During which time 4 of their five kids were born. 2 girls and 2 boys.  Brian Owen, the 2nd child was born on their farm and delivered by one of her younger brothers, Mallory.

Emma Brown is an excellent cook and from scratch nonetheless.  There's so much more fascinating details to Emma Brown and though I haven't known her all my life but having her as part of my family for the past decade has definitely made quite the impact.

Not only is it because she's a wonderful mother but because of the happiness she brings my brother as well as the wonderful blessing it is to all my family just knowing her.  I could write about many wonderful things in my life that I've experienced just during our visits with my brother, her and her family, the Davises (who are extraordinary people) in Brazil, but I'll just stick to Emma Brown.

I don't remember much about my first impression of Emma Brown, only that she was very soft spoken especially compared to our loud and sometimes boisterous family (well me and mom, anyways), she had a beautiful smile and she was very sweet and polite. Oh but let me not forget about the biggest thing I remember - my brother shined like the sun when he was around her. After I got to know her I realized why.

While sitting beside my brother on the plane to Brazil for their wedding, I'll never forget my brother's small proclamation of "Teri, I LOVE Emma Brown." I don't know if it was the look on his face or the sincerity in his voice when he said that but it told me that my brother had found someone incredible and wonderful things would be in store for them from the minute they exchanged vows.

The next day I witnessed the most beautiful and touching ceremony I've ever seen to this day. I literally almost fainted. Though that was actually from the heat... ;o)

Over the next several years I soon realized just how special Emma Brown was. Brian's blessing (Emma Brown) has been extended to our entire family through knowing her. I've always learned so much from watching Emma Brown. The way she's always calm. Her graceful demeanor and even her astounding physical ability to bounce back into every day life after giving birth or having her appendix removed.

My favorite impression of her was given by my Paw Paw Swann (my mother's late father) who said he loves to hear Emma Brown talk because she coo's like a dove.  Our whole family's sentiments exactly for we all (immediate and extended) love to hear Emma Brown talk.

Emma Brown I hope your Birthday was as special as the one you gave my brother.  It's so wonderful to know and have you as a sister-in-law.  When we prayed for my brother to meet a special person many years ago, we could never have imagined just how greatly our prayer would be answered!

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