This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Monday, July 6, 2009

All Together Again

So I have to say, this was the best 4th of July I've had in a long time. Why is that you may ask?

Because my brother Brian, sister-in-law Emma Brown, nieces and nephews: Natalie Ellen, Owen, Claire and the youngest, Isaac (for now), are back home in the states for good.

They have been living in Brazil for quite some time but now will be living in NE Georgia. Words cannot express the joy are family feels having them back home. Even though I've missed so much of their young ages (7, 5, 3 and 17 mos.) They all came and loved on me like I'd been there every day.

Let me give you a quick meet and greet:


My one and only older brother

Having him around is such a comfort.

I feel there's no one else on this planet that shares such a similar sense of humor (that is of course besides my "brother from another mother, Dan") . It's been 3 years since I've seen him, but we always seem to be able to make the other laugh quickly into a conversation with just simple facial expressions. He's the one person (besides Dan) that gets where I'm coming from without excessive explanation (which has become 2nd nature for me due to so often being misunderstood). Wonder why that is... ;o)

Natalie Ellen:

Their oldest, makes me smile just listening to her talk. Mother had told me that at one time or another they said that she reminded them of me due to her expressive nature. Boy, they weren't kidding. When she tells of things she's learned or experienced, she does so with such enthusiasm and excitement that you feel as if you'd witnessed it yourself. Sound effects and all. After hearing mom tell me that (that she talks very similar to me) the first time and then realizing that I too still make sound effects as well when telling stories, made me realize how much she really is like her Aunt Teri (and Uncle Brian too)!

However, that pride was quickly overshadowed by embarrassment when I realized that it sounds wonderful, precious and exciting when you hear it from a 7 year old but probably quite ridiculous when the same sound effects are coming from an adult female. ha ha. Oh well, I gave up on trying to be more mature years ago. ;o) And with that beautiful face of freckles she pulls on your heart strings so easily.


The observer. What a wonderful way to be. You can feel Owen watching - observing - checking out every move you make while carrying on a conversation. He does it all with the sweetest smile too. And once he's observed you long enough that's when he begins to talk. He likes tractors for sure and playing catch and football. I remember when he was last here and riding the lawn mower with our late Gran Paw Paw in 2006. It tickled us so much at how much concentration he was in at just 2 years old while riding a lawnmower but still took time to wave with every pass of us he made. He is going to be a Paw Paw's boy indeed. Yes sir, you just love this kid right off the bat. Such a sweet boy!


What a doll! Calm, sweet, pretty with hair as bright as the sunshine. She was just a baby when I last saw her. But she came right to me and let me pick her up and love on her within minutes of me seeing her. I can't wait to spend more time with her.


Wow, you know in the past it's sometime took me a while to truly appreciate my nieces and nephews (aside from Natalie Ellen - I wanted to cry the first time I saw her b/c she was just too beautiful and my first niece) due to them being too young to express such a personality in such a short time. But this little man has already got Aunt Teri wrapped around his finger. He came right to me and let me pick him up and laid his head on my shoulder. You could argue that it's because he saw me with Dax so was sure to think I was a safe haven. But the first time I saw him I wasn't holding Dax. So you know of course I'm going to make myself believe that he just has a instant connection with his Aunt Teri - above any one else in the family... ha ha. Even though that's certainly not the case, it makes good for fondness... ;o)

And this morning before they left to go to Georgia, I thought he wasn't going to let me put him down. Again, that's probably just what I want to believe - ha ha.

He's got the sweetest smile. Dax pokes his lip out at people he's not used to. But not Isaac. He gives them the biggest bashful smile.

Every time I get to see them, whether it's in Brazil or in the states I always end sobbing like a big baby when I have to go or they have to go because I know it's going to be at least (if the usual scenario) a year before I see them again. This time I was so relieved, because since they are just moving to Georgia and we're sure to see them again in a week or so, that I wouldn't break down and cry. But low and behold when I left this morning mother brought Isaac out by the car (the other kids had saw me out to my car so he wanted to come out and see me off too) and when I was pulling off he looked as if he were going to cry because I was leaving and he didn't want Aunt Teri to go!

I just about lost it and teared up. But I managed to hold it together. Thank goodness. That would have been embarrassing. So, yep it's official - there's no hope for Aunt Teri. I've got an amazing soft spot for these precious wonders.


Emma Brown:

I'm so lucky to have in-laws I just adore. That's right, I confess. I really do like my in-laws, ALL OF THEM. I'm so blessed to be able to say that both sides of my in-laws are fantastic. Clint's family, and Emma Brown's family. Just like Diane, Clint's sister, she has more than 2 kids and makes parenting look so effortless. All of my nieces and nephews are so sweet and well behaved. Emma is so humble that she's not going to like all the praise, so I'll keep it short, but I'm truly amazed and feel I can learn so much from her. She's expecting the 5th, and she's still so calm, cool and collective. Amazing!

Baby on the way:

Well, it's a boy and due on my birthday (by the computer). The old fashioned way "he" (yep I said he, everyone expected a girl but Emma's having another boy) is due in October. So so so excited they'll be in the states and for the first time I will get to hold my nephew before he passes 2 -3 mos. How special it will be.

Clint and I really are blessed with such wonderful family! We enjoy watching the kids grow and all of them are so unique; each and every one of them. From the oldest (Austin) to the youngest (Isaac). And sister-in-laws... forget about it. To have 2 that you can learn so much from - priceless.

Sorry, but I have no pictures. There's just a time when you need to put down the camera and experience every moment you can. Especially when you haven't seen them in 3 years. But I should have some soon when we go to Georgia to see them. Can't wait!

Is the over the top excitement starting to sound cheesy yet?? Ha, that's just how excited I am.

On the 4th of July we got to see a big fireworks display all from the comfort of our backyard. All for FREE. Our neighbors seem to have firework competitions and they shoot the big expensive kind that you see in Birmingham. It's awesome. There's no music and they come spread out, but that means there's also no crowds, no traffic and etc. to deal with. We love the fact that we didn't have to spend a dime to enjoy it.

The kids didn't make it to see all of them, but they did get to see some and it was so fun seeing their excitement before they conked out in their chairs.

Thank you Lord for blessing us with such a wonderful family! There's nothing on earth that I cherish more.

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