This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Final Frontier

Dax has been able to pull himself up for a while, he rarely does it though. And he's willing to walk anywhere you want him to, just as long as he's holding on to you. Almost 3 mos. ago I panicked when I saw him grab hold of the rails and try to pull himself up then, so in the middle of the night I put his crib at the lowest setting. Though I still believe better safe than sorry, I had nothing to worry about for a while. I wondered (though not looking forward to) when he'd start standing up in the crib. Well, tada!

Clint had put him down, and after 5 minutes Dax started crying (something he only does when he's not ready to go to sleep). When Clint opened the door, this is what he saw.

From Standing and Stranded

From Standing and Stranded

Here's a video of the ordeal (just double click on it)

From Standing and Stranded

Though it's exciting that it won't be long now before he's taking his 1st steps unassisted, I have to admit a little part of my heart sunk when I saw him standing there. 1. It reminds me that he's growing so fast; and 2. I'm probably going to be a bit paranoid for quite sometime about him trying to climb out and topple over out of the crib head first. Oh well, guess it's back to checking on him 3-4 times in the middle of the night...

Just kidding, I'm not that bad. Or, maybe I will be. ; )

Oh and another special thing Dax did this week. Big boy fed himself. It was quite a messy ordeal but precious nonetheless. I'll post pictures later. Maybe when I'm not covered in food myself and able to hold the camera with out it getting sticky. ha ha.

1 comment:

Jac said...

OMG! He's hilarious! I'm not looking forward to those days. He'll be climbed out of that crib before it's over with.