This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Snow Ball Effect

Being at home and trying to keep the house clean, for me, is impossible. I've noticed the snow ball effect.

Like yesterday, we start off with the house being spotless and as tidy as it will ever be. Then it becomes time to feed Dax his oatmeal and applesauce. Here we go, Dax somehow manages to stick his hand all the way in the bowl. So, I let him be as messy as he wants to be. I'll just clean it up later.

After dropping the excess in the floor, touching his buckle on the highchair and then getting it in his hair, he decides that's enough and from there on becomes very cautious of what he touches.

What? Can this be? Have I been fortunate enough to have a son who doesn't like to make messes?

Probably not. But I was shocked at the moment.

Since he got oatmeal in his hair, we went straight to the bathtub. Since Dax's favorite thing is to splash water, it was everywhere. It takes two towels to wrap up a wiggly wet Dax. From there it's to the bedroom to quickly get him dry and put a diaper on him. So, so far we have managed to make tiny messes and clutter in 3 rooms.

1st is the dining room and high chair which has oatmeal on the try, buckles, seat and a little on the floor.

2nd is the bathroom that now has water everywhere, a used diaper and dirty sleeper on the sink and a yellow soaked munchkin sponge with duckies scattered everywhere.

3rd, Our bedroom (where we end up changing diapers or etc. because the bed is high and easy on our backs b/c we don't have to bend over too far): now has 2 wet towels strolled on the bed along with yet another wet ducky on the floor.

Oops, forgot the 4th: Dax's room where I went into next to grab him something to wear but his clothes were jammed packed all in one drawer (don't know how that happened?) and searching for something while holding Mr. wiggly Dax at the same time just pulled everything else out with it and is now scattered on the floor, with the drawer still open.

And just think that was just after one meal and he's only 7 mos. This is small fries to what lies ahead when he's a toddler. I know the messes are going to get bigger by the week. I would like to say I got it cleaned up by his first nap, but somehow I needed a nap myself. I did, get it taken care of by the 2nd though. :)

So glad having a clean house wears less on my mind by every day that passes. I haven't got use to having company over yet while it's still in chaos. But I'm sure that will pass too.

From Oatmeal is like glue

From Oatmeal is like glue

From Oatmeal is like glue

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, you've inspired me.

Visit us!

I love you baby Dax!