This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Real Man of Genius

I'm behind on posts.  I'm sure I'll catch up when the weather gets too hot to enjoy the great outdoors! Until then, you can expect to see us outside enjoying all the lovely ants, kamikaze junebugs and giant crickets!

Speaking of our kamikaze junebugs. One of the very few times you'll catch me dancing is when one of these things fly straight into my hair. Their legs grip everything, especially hair. It can take a good 2 minutes to dig one of them out. DISGUSTING!! All this bonding time with our bugs led Clint and I to reminisce about the huge bug zappers that were widely popular in the 80's - 90's?   I wasn't even sure if they still had them.

Well, of course, they do but I've heard that they're not as loud and maybe a little bit more humane - or maybe not and as strange as it may sound, I kind of miss the summers of playing in the backyard to the music of bzzzzz...ZAPPPPP..ZZZZRRRRZRZRZR%$&%$!  We were feeling kind of sinister especially since we enjoyed seeing all those bugs meet their equivalent of the electric chair.

When we got back in the house I thought I'd go to the computer to try to find out the best way to kill  repel  junebugs.  What an enormous coincidence it was to find this on someone's post about bag a bug.  I swear I'm not making this up.  I found this literally minutes after we were laughing about the bug zappers.

I could listen to these commercials all day....

I found this one on youtube, it was easier to post the link:

Real Man of Genius - Mr. Backyard Bug Zapper Inventor 

Until I catch up on posts with pictures, here are some of Dax and Kayleigh on cookout Wednesdays. We never know who we'll be feeding, but we know someone will pop in. It's becoming a hump day tradition.

From Spring 2010

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