This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kitties and Braxton Hicks

Oh yeah - forgot to give an update on the kitties. The novelty of me being prego and them being protective has completely wore off - they are sooo over it already... ;)

Gracie Kitty comes and crawls under the covers with me sometimes in the mornings and lies right next to my belly (SWEET) that is until Dax starts kicking her - she gives the unhappy meow or the "Rrreor" meow and runs off. HAHA!

My dad thinks we should get rid of them but I don't know how we could do that - they are both de-clawed which means they can never be outside kitties again (a bed we made and now have to lay in- well, it was actually Clint that wanted the Italian leather furniture hence the reason they are de-clawed).

I'm not scared of them biting Dax or clawing him, I'm worried about germs, allergies and them getting right in his face. We'll wait and see how it goes once Dax is here - if there's problems, then neither of us will hesitate. But it will break even my heart if it comes to that - they literally lay around the house all day just thinking up ways to be precious!

It looks like my fun days of the 2nd trimester are over - I thought I might have at least a little fun at the beginning of the 3rd. I'm getting the Braxton Hicks already - on top of the new excruciating RLP it scares the crap out of me at night and is quite painful. I didn't realize RLP were that uncomfortable. They aren't really that bad I guess, I think it seems it happens when I'm trying to sleep - like Mrs Angelo said it makes going to bed at night miserable. Cross your fingers for me that it will ease up - I'm hopeful... but like I said earlier - as long as Dax is fine and not in distress - I'm still as happy as a tornado in a trailer park.

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