This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

That Old Sad Song

I'm of course dancing the same jig and singing the same old song that I never have enough time to do the things on the computer that I wish I could. In a perfect world I could put the world on pause while I
  • Uploaded all our pictures along with our weekly story because as any mother knows life with a 2 1/2 year old is an adventure everyday.
  • Catch up on all my friends' blogs
  • Catch up on all my friends' updates on Facebook
  • Google every little question that pops through my nerdtastic brain so I can honestly say "I'm all pointless info knowing"
However, my computer time has once again shrunken to a minute above nonexistent thanks to life drama, attempts to exercise off 30 lbs of extra "M&M's are the devil" weight, teaching chasing Dax, yard work and etc.  I'm sure it will be back on again sometime in the future.  May not be until Dax graduates from elementary, but I remain optimistic yet. 

A Little Peep

All the while Dax is growing and changing fast.  Right now the quickest way to sum up D is he talks as well as most 4-5 year olds (like I've said before, as much as I talk, there are no surprises there) I constantly have to remind my Godson, Isaac, along with his other big kid friends, that Dax is only 2. 

Curls curls curls!  He's often mistaken for a girl.  The other night Clint put one of my headbands on Dax and I about fell out.  He did look like a girl.  Not only did he look like a girl, but a beautiful angelic looking little girl.  Not sure how to feel about that.  Mixed feelings for sure.  But no worries, he's definitely ALL boy.  Cars, trucks, tractors, boats and more cars are his favorite things.  He's the pickiest eater on the planet!  So Mama is having to get tricky to get him to eat healthy.  Hopefully that will suffice for the family reading that wants to know what's going on in D's world.  I'll add pics to go with the news in later posts that will hopefully be up sooner than later. 

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