This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do you Google?

Bing?  Yahoo?
I'm totally not making this stuff up to be funny.  However, I do find it humorous after the fact.  The other day I started to Google something in my search engine.  As soon as I put the first letter, a whole list of previous searches starting with that letter popped up.  As I went down the list I couldn't believe that I actually Googled that.  From A-Z here are some of my previous searches.

1.  Addicting games  Not funny, but what in the world??

2.  Cutting the Cheese (this has to be one of Clint's...)  This is some of the results: Redeye Cut the Cheese Rally or Play Free Games - The Art of Cutting the Cheese

3.  Do Mice have memory (easily could have been one of Mine, but I think this was Clint's)  As always, the ever dependable Wikipedia gave this: Hippocampus

4.  Do woodchucks really exist  Well, do they?  Don't you just LOVE Wikipedia!?!  Woodchucks/Groundhogs

5.  Do Woodchucks chuck wood  Am I the only one that is completely bothered by the GEICO car insurance commercial??  It aggravates me every time it airs.  Why?  Because Woodchucks don't chuck wood.  Or so says the tongue twister:
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could
IF a woodchuck could chuck wood!"
Of course I had to make sure: And the answer is...  If you have time to read this and actually want and do read this (in its entirety), then you are more of a psycho than I am.

6.  Emeril Meatloaf Recipe:  Which is FYI: Emeril's Most Kicked Up Meatloaf Ever Recipe

7.  Is DJ Lance Gay - If you have a kid 5 or younger, you know who DJ Lance is, and admit it.  You know you've wondered this yourself...  DJ Lance Rock Dance

8.  What are the lyrics to Yo Gabba Gabba  It's very probable that I'm deaf in one ear due to loud music.  So I'm often singing the wrong lyrics to songs because I didn't hear them correctly.  After hearing this song over and eventually trying to sing it back out loud - I thought to myself.  "Surely that's not what they are singing.  I kid you not - this is what I heard when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on:
"Muno - He's so unfriendly,"
"Foofa - she's stinkin happy,"
Brobee, the little mean one...

So, I finally had to look it up.  Yo Gabba Gabba Lyrics Just like I've done with many a song.  Thank goodness for internet.  Without it I would have continued wondering why that guy on the radio (when I was a kid) kept singing "You're only Bologna (Ba-lon-ee)."  In comes the internet ~ many years later ~ and I finally get the answer to that vexing question - I now know he wasn't singing "you're only balonee", he was singing  You're Only Lonely - J.D. Souther

9.  What is the best glue for bonding human hair to a pumpkin  I'm totally not making this up!!  In case you're wondering why I was searching for this - well, I'm just going to leave you with what ever you imagination will come up with.  I will share what the internet provided:  Bond A Weave Liquid Gold Adhesive  Welp, if it's good enough for a weave...

10.  This one is out of order, but considering recent media events, it was a good one to leave off on...
Was Toomer's Corner rolled the day Bear Bryant Passed Away  I did put this question in various forms. Did Auburn fans roll Toomer's Corner in celebration of Paul Bear Bryant Passing... Any way you could pose this question, I typed it in.  By far, this was the most informative link I could find - on the internet.  I didn't want to know bad enough to go get in the car and drive down to Birmingham Public Library to find out for Absolute Sure.  However, this guy did - well, not to BPL, but the closest one to him...Did Auburn Students Celebrate Bear Bryant's Death By Rolling Toomer's Corner?

(Did anyone else noticing that guy is wearing a skirt - pleated no less...)

These weren't by far the most interesting but then again some things just aren't meant to be shared...  ;o)

So, What's in your Google?? Search Engine, that is...

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