This is Our Life ~ Our Photo Book ~ Our Journal that will never sit on a shelf, be placed in a chest or find its spot in the attic but instead put on display for all of you so you can share in our joy and sorrows that come complete with life. Learn from our mistakes (THERE ARE MANY) or give advice when needed. Welcome!
Clint ~Teri & Dax

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Observer...

My brother, Brian,  was always called "The Man" by our Grandfather so of course his first son, Owen, who turns 6 today has inherited the "The Man" title.  The Man's arrival into this world was very exciting not only to all who were there but to us as well.  We were shocked after being told about his entrance into the world.   Since Emma Brown's 1st child, Natalie Ellen, took her time getting here, Emma Brown thought she'd have plenty of time to get to the hospital but Owen came so fast that he ended up being delivered at home by his Uncle Mallory one of Emma Brown's younger brothers. (OOPS,  as of June 6, 2010 I was corrected by my brother...actually, it was Emma Brown's sister Berry who delivered Owen, not Mallory.  Don't know how we made that mistake, but when info is be passed overseas - mistakes are bound to be made).  

Just like all of my brother's children except Caleb, the 1st time I saw Owen was through pictures.  However, since Brian and family came home to the States for Christmas later that year, I didn't have to wait as long to meet him in person as I did Natalie Ellen.  Owen was 7 mos. and by that time he'd become a very healthy big hunk o' baby.  He was unbelievably precious, especially in person.  You could feel his preciousness with every ounce of baby phat too!  Ha ha. 

As Owen got older he reminded me more and more of my brother as well as our Dad, Jimmy .   He's got such a gentle and quite nature.  When he does speak it's only when he has to.  You can often catch Owen standing or sitting quietly studying every move you make.  But when Owen smiles it just lights up your heart.  He is by far the sweetest child I have ever met.

Though he's not smiling for most of the pictures in this post he really does have the most wonderful smile

Owen is such a wonderful older brother to all his siblings and a wonderful big cousin. I love that Owen always wants to play with Dax. He's always pushing Dax around in a stroller, watching out for him and Dax really has a blast when he's around Owen.

Owen excited over meeting his new little brother, Isaac.

Owen, I'm so glad you had a great birthday visiting with your cousins and playing with your new puppy Dyxie.  Though we don't get to see you as often as we'd like, you are in my prayers everyday.  Aunt Teri loves you terribly as does Uncle Clint and Dax.  We look forward to seeing you very soon!!   Continue being the great older brother that you are by watching out for your brother's and sisters.  They are very blessed to have you.

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